The following employees are eligible to participate in ORPHE:
- Presidents of participating public institutions of higher education.
- Chancellors and presidents of the Virginia Community College System.
- Full-time and part-time permanent, salaried teaching, research and administrative faculty members of participating public institutions (adjunct faculty members are not eligible for ORPHE).
Open enrollment provides participants with an annual opportunity to change providers effective the first payroll in the following calendar year.
An annual record-keeping fee of $30.50 will be deducted from your account on a monthly basis ($2.54 per month). If you participate in more than one DCP Commonwealth of Virginia Plan, such as the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan or Virginia Cash Match Plan, only one annual fee of $30.50 will be deducted from your account. In addition, costs vary for each investment option's management and other fund costs. Investment option fees and performance are available online within the Investment Option Performance report. For more information about fees associated with the Self-Directed Brokerage Account, refer to the profile online .
Account Information
You will receive a quarterly account statement showing your account balance and activity for your plans. Check your account balance online or by calling toll-free 877-327-5261. You may elect to receive an electronic statement.